Day 26 (May 10, 2007) - Death and The Empress

I originally bought this mini-tarot deck for Pammu,
but after talking with her about it, I realize she'd
perhaps like another deck design instead. All is not
lost though, as I can keep this deck and rediscover
my love for the tarot. It's been many, many years.
But it feels right somehow.

This set is a mini-tarot deck (44x80 mm in size), with
all 78 cards from the Major and Minor Arcana.
It's called the "Tarot Art Nouveau" and was made by
Lo Scarabeo, art by Antonella Castelli.

And just to show how small the cards are:

I'm hoping to procure two more (full sized) sets
(one for Pammu, one for myself). I really do hope
Kinokuniya has the ones we're interested in.

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